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My name is Sophie Pilati, I have recently graduated from Billy Blue College of Design (Torrens University) with a Bachelor of Interior Design (Residential). I am a bright, dedicated and driven young designer who has always been passionate about interior design and architecture. I am someone who is original, unique, and visionary and I am an individual who values free thinking, innovation, and experimentation.


I approach everything I do with a high level of attention to detail, a positive attitude and am constantly inspired by the world around me.


Reflecting on my studies, this degree has taught me not only to appreciate the smaller details but also how to broaden my ways of thinking. It has also given me the ability to adapt and evolve with interior design and its ever-changing nature. I see design as not only a way to make our environments more aesthetically pleasing, but also as a tool to enhance the functionality of the world we live in.


I want to immerse myself in an environment where my passion for design will be nurtured, and my skills refined and improved. I hope to keep learning, applying my skills and capabilities, and contributing as much as I can to the design industry.

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